
Underground Storage Tank Locating

A local mom-and-pop restaurant called up GPRS to inquire about a possible underground storage tank on its property before putting it on the market. They needed to clear the land of any possible tanks so the bank could clear any environmental road blocks that could stand in the way for the buyers of the property. In this matter, truth is the only ally. To not accurately depict all of the property's contents could end in a lawsuit that would not benefit either party.

When GPRS was brought out, the original location of a suspected storage tank did not elicit any evidence. However, when more procedural scans were made, not one, not two, but three giant tanks were clearly identified on the property in the same location. As seen in the picture, any question of the anomalies not being storage tanks would be immediately discredited. The size, depth, and shape proved their life. Although its not exactly what the owners wanted to see, the truth was much more important for them in the long run. Now no lawsuit will be filed since our findings proved legitimate.

Please contact your local representative Sam Hart at (717) 798-5721 or sam.hart@gprsinc.com to learn more about ground penetrating radar and how GPRS, LLC. can assist in your projects. GPRS also works in Harrisburg and West Pennsylvania areas.